Building An Army For Christ
Youth Programs
Youth Choir
Black History (Youth Moment)
Youth Summit
College Tour
Youth Revival
Youth Mission Trip
Vacation Bible School
Christmas Program
Youth Education Sports
Youth Bible Study (Every 1st Tues Night)
Youth Sunday School
Food Bank
Christmas Tree Decorating
Senior Programs
Quarterly Birthday Celebration (Mar 27/Jun 26/Sep 25/ Dec 18)
Fellowship Luncheon (May 8)
Senior Outing (Jul 26-28)
Senior Banquet (Aug 17)
State Fair (Oct 15)
Thanksgiving Meal (Nov 20)
Senior Trip (Dec 8)
Homeless Ministry
Hellen WrighT Center
Every 3rd Thursday of Each Month we partner with Raleigh's Urban Ministries to fund and provide dinner for the Hellen Wright Women's shelter.
January - Bible Study
February - Missionary
March - Brotherhood
April - Women's Fellowship
May - Youth
June - Usher Board
July - Choirs
August - Ministers
September - Pastor's Aid
October - Sunday School
November - Church
December - Deacons/Trustees
Church Auxiliaries and Committees
The Pastor/President shall be the chief executive officer of the Church.
Shall lead the Church in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to believers and unbelievers.
Shall have general management of the business of the Church and general supervision of the other officers.
Shall preside at all meetings of the Church / Church Council and see that all orders and resolutions of the Church are carried into effect.
Shall be an ex-officio member of all Church auxiliaries, committees, ministries, and programs; and, he or she shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of president of a corporation while implementing the will of the Church.
Shall approve all invited speakers, teachers or ministers before they receive an invitation to come to the Church.
Shall have the authority to appoint and approve any assistants that would be necessary to properly carry out the work of the Lord for the Church. Funding must be approved and included in the church yearly budget.
Shall own and lead Sunday Worship service and ensure proper flow of God’s message to the Church.
Shall visit the Church's sick and shut-in on an acceptable basis.
Shall visit / support the Church members during a time of critical illness and during death in a member's family.
Shall provide counseling for potential wedding couples and be available to perform wedding service for Church members.
Shall be the leader / overseer of the weekly “Senior Bible Study” and the weekly “Night Bible Study“.
Shall meet monthly in the Pastor / Deacon Meeting providing leadership on meeting Church’s ministries, goals and objectives.
Counsel and advise members of the Church on matters relating to their spiritual progress as individual members of the Church.
Shall be the leader / overseer of the service of “Communion” and “Baptism"
Meet with new candidate for membership after Sunday Worship Service.
Meet with Deacons for a moment of prayer and meditation prior to the service of worship.
Prayerfully seek to feed his/her own soul through the discipline of daily devotional life and Bible study.
Continually, plan, review, and administer organized approaches to care for the seniors, adults, young adults, and youth of the Church.
Help new members find service and fellowship involvement in the Church. Also, discover what talents they bring to the Church.
Promote Church, Sunday School, and Bible Study attendance using proper motivational techniques.
Stay alert to your spiritual and emotional growth and the changing needs of the church as a Pastor. Seek training, mentoring, support and consultation as needed.
Assist the pastor in performing the pastoral ministries/ tasks.
Leading the Church in the achievement of its mission.
Proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers.
Caring for the members of the church and other persons in the community.
Join the Pastor in conferring with candidates for Church membership; assisting in New Members Classes, Constitution and By-Laws Class (ex), and Church Confirmation meetings.
Council and advise with the Pastor on matters relating to the spiritual progress of individual members and of the Church as a whole.
May stand with and assist the Pastor when new members are being received and when the sacrament of Baptism is administered.
May join the Pastor for a moment of prayer and meditation prior to the service of worship.
Provide for pulpit supplies during the vacation or absence of the Pastor or during interims between pastorates.
Prayerfully seek to feed his/her own soul through the discipline of daily devotional life and Bible study, make some adventures into the field of theology and Church history, and seek by word and deed to be a witness to
the Christian Faith.
Plan, review, and administer organized approaches to care for the seniors, youth, young adults, and children of the Church.
Counsel with and assist the Pastor in planning of both traditional and innovative methods of Evangelism.
Help new members find service and fellowship involvement in the Church. Identify what talents they bring to the Church.
Promote attendance using proper motivations; keep attendance records and periodically analyze them; keep the roster current and active, adding or removing the names of members as deemed necessary.
Stay alert to the spiritual and emotional growth and changing needs of the Pastor and be supportive and available for consultation.
Prepare and submit relevant article(s) pertaining to spiritual matters of the Church.
Shall have jurisdiction in matters of discipline (maintaining order) in the house of God under the supervision of the Pastor.
Shall visit the sick, manage the Benevolence and Annual Sick List funds and assist Pastor in ministering to the Church seniors (Golden Age members). Seniors citizens are at age 62 years. Golden Age members are 70 years and older.
Arrange for or see that the schedule of Church activities is placed on Church calendar to prevent conflicts.
Review Church scheduled programs in Deacon and Pastor Monthly meetings to ensure programs are of good quality and meet the needs of the Church.
Note: Planning and coordination of Church programs should be reviewed / approved (three months prior) and publicized one to two months before program date.
Deacons may be assigned as advisors to the auxiliaries, committees, and Church
ministries. Their key focus shall be to provide “spiritual guidance”, communication between Pastor /Deacons and the group they are assigned. Deacons will support the group in meeting their goals and objectives as servants of the Church. Deacons are not required to attend all meetings. Deacons must attend a minimum of 1 meetings every six months.
Submit goals and objectives at the Council Meeting in February. Review goals and objectives on a regular basis ensuring that all key goals are met.
Teach Classes:
New Members Class
Sunday School
Church Operation Manual
Procedures Owners: Deacons
Constitution and By-Laws Class
Bible School
Are primarily concerned with the “Business Management” of the Church, regarding property and all financial matters.
Trustees should have good business judgment and are in sympathy with the spiritual aims and work of the Church.
Shall become knowledgeable of insurance policies, deeds, contracts, and all relevant Church documents.
Shall ensure all employees are fulfilling the requirements of their contract and report concerns to deacons, personnel committee, and if not resolved then to the Church Council.
Is responsible for the care and maintenance of property; budget and finance; salaries of employed personnel, and all matters of business management.
Should make a thorough inspection of the Church’s physical property at least quarterly, and make recommendations as to any necessary improvements or repairs.
Has the responsibility to grant and schedule the use of the Church facilities or grounds for purposes outside the general program of the Church. All grants must be in the guidelines of the “Church Constitution & By Laws”. The Church shall not carry on any activity not permitted based on a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and later updates.
Shall keep a current and accurate record of the Church’s inventory. Detailed comments shall be provided if an item condition has changed.
Are responsible for the sale of Church property to the public once the Church has approved that the item(s) may be sold.
Determine order of priority and possible cost of improvements or repairs. All items not listed in detail in the yearly budget must be approved by the Church.
Establish authority (procedure) for arranging emergency repairs.
Govern church keys and who may possess a key.
Ensure all financial records and contracts are kept in a secure location and are available for audit at all times.
Ensure that a clearly defined agreement is drawn up regarding salary, vacation, benefits, pension, etc. for the Pastor, musicians, and custodian.
The musician is employed by the church and must report to the chairman of the trustee board.
The custodian is employed by the church and must report to the chairman of the trustee board.
Keep checking account and financial records in order; pay all bills, salaries, and other obligations by check on a regular schedule.
Report detailed business status (with transparency, clarity, and simplicity) monthly to the Church Council and quarterly/annually to the Church.
Note: Hard copy documentation supplied to the Church Council and to the Church.
Key information to be included in the documentation: Income from pledges; status of the treasury; progress on payment of each obligation and auxiliary account balance and transactions
The Trustee Board shall identify three trustees that will be an active member on the Finance Committee.
The Trustees shall meet with the Pastor and Deacons monthly to review Church financials and Church projects.
Assist the Financial Secretary, Pastor, Deacon, and Finance Committee in preparing the Annual Church Report Form for the December Church Conference.
Trustee Board shall ensure that the Church meets the State Building Code provided by State Fire Marshall located in Raleigh, NC.
Submit budget, goals and objectives by the October Council Meeting, and review goals and objectives on a regular basis ensuring that all key goals are met.
Keep an accurate record of Church Membership Roll (new members, deaths, transfers, etc.)
Prepare an annual summary document, reflecting the history of the church, to be scanned into the church’s database:
Calendar of Events
Church Guest Speakers
Church’s Mission, Vision and Core Values
Church Goals
Membership Summary (provided by Deacons)
Leadership Summary (provided by Pastor, Board of Deacons and Board of Trustees).
Prepare bulletins for weekly Sunday service, church programs and other programs as needed.
Record faithfully all minutes of regular or called meetings of the Church and Church Council.
Insist that the Church provide and maintain permanent Record Book for Church and Church Council.
Ensure minutes of Church and Council Meeting are stored in a secure location and readily available for audit.
Ensure an official signed and dated copy of council, church and auxiliary minutes are turned in monthly to be scanned into the church’s database.
Take care of official Church correspondences as directed.
Receive and transmit official communications to appropriate individuals/groups as needs occur.
Compose and deliver a "Letter of Resolution" as appropriate for the occasion.
Order flower/plant as appropriate for the occasion.
Greet those who respond to alter call and record their name and intentions to be passed along to the pastor.
Upkeep of bulletin board in Church foyer.
financial SECRETARY
Receive all monetary information from pledges, offerings, and special collections; recording carefully the amounts in bank deposit booklet and in Church record keeping system.
Ensure that the Church provides Offering Envelopes for members and encourage individuals and families to use them.
Write all checks for bills that are due and payable as needed.
Assist the Trustee, Pastor, Deacon, and Finance Committee in preparing the Annual Church Report Form for the December Church Conference.
Ensure that offering envelopes are ordered and distributed.
Be an active member of the Financial Committee.
church treasurer
Receive money from collections and deposit it in the Church bank account.
Note: Receives, secures, and deposits money in bank or bank drop box
Communicate to the bank and trustees any issues regarding bank deposit/withdrawal discrepancies.
Key Focus: Communicate effectively and promote programs/messages to our congregation and community.
Meet quarterly to review, discuss and plan effective means of communicating future programs.
Discuss, review and plan newsletter content twice per year
Maintain webpage access and updates.
Discuss and brainstorm ideas of more effective means of promoting the church.
Develop objective each year and turn in to Pastor and Deacon Board.
Assists the Church in matters related to employment, salaries, benefits, other compensation, policies, job descriptions, and personnel services.
The Personnel Committee shall be primarily responsible for ensuring that all employees are evaluated annually.
Employees evaluations shall be performed by the Deacon Board and the two (2) Members @ Large
Personnel Committee shall develop all templates and documents needed for all Church employees.
A high level summary of the employee yearly review shall be presented at the end of the fiscal year at the Council meeting then the following Church meeting.
For each new year, each employee’s goals and objectives must be reviewed, documented and summarized between employer and employee before the February Church Council meeting. A high-level summary of the review is required at the meeting.
Yearly goals, objectives, job description, or contract must be documented and agreed upon by the January Church Council meeting by parties involved.
Personnel Committee shall develop a tool that will be used to meet the requirements of the Personnel Committee. This should include frequency of events, interactions and updates to the Church Council/Church.
Maintain webpage access and updates.
Discuss and brainstorm ideas of more effective means of promoting the church.
Develop objective each year and turn in to Pastor and Deacon Board.
church Property & space COMMITTEE
Assists the Church in matters related to property administration.
Shall maintain all church properties functional and available for use.
Recommend policies and guidelines for use of church property.
Develop plans for additional property and building(s) growth.
Review the employment needs for maintenance personnel.
Review the property and space assignment to the appropriate personnel.
The Trustees assigned to the functions of property and space shall be members of this committee.
Develop objective each year and turn in to Pastor and Deacon Board.
Assists the Church in matters related to employment, salaries, benefits, other compensation, policies, job
Missionary members
Developing and overseeing plans for visiting the sick and shut-in members.
Sponsoring events that help Church members deepen their faith.
Submit yearly/bi-yearly goals and objectives by the first Council Meeting in February, and review goals regularly to ensure they are being met.
Develop a budget for use by the Missionary per church schedule
deaconess board
Manage the requirements and preparations of the Communion table.
Assist the Pastor and Deacons as needed during Communion.
Support the Spiritual growth of the Church by supporting the ministries and assisting with meeting their goals.
Assist Deacons in providing Communion to the sick and shut-in members.
Develop activities / programs that will increase the spiritual fellowship between the Pastor, the Pastor's Wife, Deacons, Trustees, Trustee's wives, and the Deaconess.
Assist the Pastor and Deacons with Baptism and Dedication Services.
Be Spiritual Mentors to the ladies/daughters of the church and the community.
Prayerfully seek to feed his/her own soul through the discipline of daily devotional life and Bible study.
Counsel with and assist the Pastor and Deacon in planning of both traditional and innovative methods of Evangelism.
Develop a budget for use by the Missionary per church schedule.
minister / director of music
Meeting with the pastor, other musicians, worship team, choir presidents, Deacons, or whoever plans worship to discuss their hopes and objectives for worship.
Analyzing the service to determine the mood, the movement and the intent of the service and its parts so that he/she can select music to form a worshipful and artistic unit.
Giving creative thought to the technique and manner of hymn playing and singing.
Working with the President of each choir to establish standards for choir members, including standards for participating in the choir and attendance at rehearsals.
Helping the choir members and congregation to be knowledgeable about the historical background or technique of the music used.
Promoting, organizing and performing special music events.
Attending and leading choir rehearsals with each choir the week(s) prior to Sunday morning service, providing 1-2 rehearsals as needed in order for the choirs to be prepared for Sunday morning service.
Choosing and arranging music that fits the abilities of you, the choir and congregation and supports the mood and theme of the service.
Playing and, or singing at Sunday worship services, weddings, funerals, outside singing engagements, and others services as needed, including all evening services.
Providing information for the bulletin to the Church office early in the week of the service, unless other arrangements have been made.
Submit goals and objectives by the first Council Meeting in February, and ensure that goals are met.
Arrive at church in time to be in place ready to play by 9:45 AM for Sunday morning service.
Sunday school superintendent
Recruiting and supporting teachers; match skills and interests with need.
Maintaining a group of informed substitute teachers.
Developing the Church school staff into an effective team with clearly defined duties and relationships.
Seeing that teacher education is provided or that other opportunities are available.
Planning and presiding at teacher meetings.
Meeting with new students and getting them to the right classes.
Keeping complete and accurate records.
Ordering, distributing, evaluating and encouraging effective use of curriculum materials, equipment and general supplies.
Arriving early for every session to be sure the building is in order and teacher supplies and equipment are ready.
Planning and leading special Church Sunday school programs.
Keeping informed about what is happening in the Church Sunday School and the Church Sunday Christian education goals.
Being an advocate for Christian education and an advocate for education within the Church.
Involving the Church Sunday school in the total life of the Church.
Submit goals and objectives by the first Council Meeting in February and ensure that goals are met.
Sunday school teacher
Being a representative of the whole Church.
Carrying out the policies of the Church and Sunday school superintendent.
Understanding that you will teach by who you are as well as through the content of the curriculum.
Being present for each class. If a substitute is necessary give the appropriate person as much advance notice as possible.
Being prepared and having all materials needed before the class begins.
Arriving in the classroom in time to greet early arrivals.
Attending teachers' meetings.
Attending and participating in Sunday School worship service.
Keeping required attendance records.
Notifying the appropriate person of an anticipated absence.
Letting absent members know they are missed without making them feel guilty.
Using a teaching style appropriate to the needs of the class and comfortable for you.
Keeping the class’s interest through choice of subject matter, presentation and variety.
Making sure the classroom is neat.
Be on time for choir practices and Church services.
Adhere to the discipline guidelines of: “Not Being” tardy, talkative, disrespectful, and unwilling to work for the overall good of the choir.
Work with the “Choir President” and “Minister of Music” to reach goals as agreed upon yearly.
Encourage others to join the choir with the assistance of the “Choir President”.
Usher Board/Members
The Usher Board President is responsible for seeing that all duties are carried out and prime for setting up an usher schedule. The President shall work with the Pastor to ensure a smooth flow of service concerning members entering or leaving worship service.
Usher shall practice walking and turning in sync. Note: Ensure that fans are collected and stored, remove programs and trash from the sanctuary after each program.
Meet with the Pastor and or Deacons to make sure you understand the service format, and your responsibilities to the Church service.
Take courses in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation; make sure first aid kit(s) are available.
Escort individuals to their seats as quickly, quietly, and efficiently as possible; hand out bulletins and programs as needed.
Pastor Aide Committee
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to honor God’s vessel by providing the necessary amenities as well as showing other expressions of love to keep our leader focused on the things of God, and continually cover the Pastor and his family in prayer and love.
Jeremiah 3:15 (KJV) states, “And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding”. Romans 12:11-13 states, "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality."
To make visiting ministers, pastors, and pulpit guest comfortable.
Lead by example in servant hood and stewardship.
Sponsor fund raisers and utilize the funds to support the Pastor & Family as needed in the following areas (annual budget is required to support projected expenses).
Cleaning of robes
Refreshments for the pulpit & office
Family Birthdays
Office & Pulpit supplies
Develop objective each year and turn in to Pastor and Deacon Board.
Decorating Team
The purpose of the Decoration Team is to decorate the church’s interior (exterior as needed) on special holidays
Lead in making decisions regarding the interior and exterior decoration for special holidays of all church properties.
Create or purchase needed decorations as needed for the foyer, sanctuary, hallways, bathrooms, outside entrances, pulpit and the fellowship hall.
Change arrangements, wreaths, and other decorative items by seasons and for special occasions.
Remove and store all decorative items immediately after their use; store all items in designated and marked storage areas.
Finance Committee Members
Develop the initial outline of the next year church budget during the third quarter of the current year with the assistance of the Trustee Board and the Financial Secretary.
Meet once a quarter to validate the church and auxiliaries performances to their outlined quarterly budget with the assistance of the Trustee Board and the Financial Secretary.
Review & produce monthly financial reports, annual balance sheet and year-end reports.
Clean-up office, purge old records, organize business records per church procedures.
Adhere to financial procedures as outlined in church procedures.
Finance Committee Members
Each year the Audit Committee shall develop a detail objective that ensure the key functions of the church are within the guidelines of the church procedures, yearly financial budget and of the 501-C-3 for Churches.
Meetings of the Audit and Compliance Committee shall be held no less frequently than two (2) times a year. At least three (3) days before the date of each meeting, notice thereof Shall be given by the Chairman of the Audit Committee to each member of the Committee either orally or in writing. Minutes of each meeting shall be recorded by the Committee and reported to the Church Conference no less often than two (2) times each year.
Associate Minister
Support Pastor during Sunday worship service and Bible Study.
Shall be available to preach or teach as requested by Pastor or auxiliaries / ministries of the church with approval of the Pastor.
Support the Spiritual growth of the Church by supporting the ministries and assisting with meeting their goals.
Be spiritual mentors to the members of the church and the community.
Prayerfully seek to feed his/her own soul through the discipline of daily devotional life and Bible study.
Assist the Pastor and Deacons in the planning of both traditional and innovative
methods of Evangelism.
Associate Minister maybe assigned as a spiritual support member to an auxiliaries and Church ministries. Their key focus shall be to provide support and skill set to the group they are assigned to. Associate Minister will support the group in meeting their goals and objectives as servant of the Church. Associate Ministers are not required to attend all meeting.
Shall attend scheduled ministerial meetings with the Pastor.
An assistance minister of the Church is under the leadership of the Pastor.